About us
OEC is a multifaceted ministry that exists to impact the whole man: Spirit, Soul, and Body. We build strong and vibrant communities by training and mentoring individuals with skills, tools, and resources that impact themselves as well as humanity. We emphasize impacting and invading the many sectors of society with The Kingdom message of Jesus Christ.
In the church we raise up Five Fold ministry leaders. In the marketplace we train and mentor believers to use their gifting to impact their sphere of influence with the good news of The Gospel.
Pearl Roberts

Pearl Roberts is the founder and leader of Oasis Empowerment Center located in New York. The Center serves to mentor and train leaders into their ministries and calling in the spiritual as well as the natural. With a strong emphasis on impacting the marketplace, leaders are shown how to invade their sphere of influence with the Kingdom of God. She also serves as the Apostolic covering over several ministries as well as businesses. Pastor Pearl founded "The School of Ministry unto the Lord", which was established on the principle of having an intimate relationship with the Father. With over thirty years in ministry she is seasoned in the things of the Spirit.
Because writing is one of her strong passions, she sends out prophetic bulletins under the title "The Love Seat” which brings enlightenment and strength to the reader. She has recently authored her first book entitled "Peaking into the heart of God for YOU, which is available through Amazon.
Pastor Pearl wears many hats. She has two children, five grandchildren and a host of spiritual sons and daughters. She also founded a coaching business called From a Dream to a Destiny, where she serves as a Certified Professional Life Coach.
She travels nationally as well as internationally as a conference speaker and a life coach. Worship is her passion and the Lord uses her to release the prophetic song of the Lord which brings tremendous healing and deliverance.
Pearl’s latest passion is “One Night with The King”. This is a venue where the focus is on gathering the Body of Christ together for one night of total abandonment and adoration to the King. She believes that God has given ONWTKing as an assignment to prepare The Bride before Jesus returns. She and her team travel across the country releasing the fragrance of Heaven in the earth through these glorious encounters.