One Night with the King was birthed out of the bedroom of its visionary Pastor Pearl Roberts. As her daughters and others would regularly set times of soaking in His presence aside, she began to feel the heartbeat of God concerning His Bride.
The purpose of these encounters are to prepare His Bride to carry His glory and affect their sphere of influence with His presence. Our mandate is to cover the earth with His glory by partnering with The Holy Spirit to create an atmosphere of total abandonment and adoration to our King. In such an atmosphere, lasting change occurs that brings transformation and wholeness to those who are imparted into.
A prepared Bride is what The Bridegroom longs for. One who while filling their assignment is yet eagerly LOOKING and PREPARING for His return.
We partner with the Body of Christ by bringing these encounters into places that are willing to host this one night event.
If you are interested in hosting ONWTKING in your area. Please contact us at (631)608-1037 or oasisminstries@gmail.com.

You are invited to our semi-annual event
One Night with the King
The Pour in 2024
With Hostess, Pearl Roberts
Oasis Founder and Servant Leader
May 16-19, 2024
Kissimmee, Florida
[Details below]


ONWTK 2022

ONWTK 2022